Sunday, January 23, 2011

Team Stedan!

Oh shit... I'm totally addicted to Hollyoaks. Well, not the entire show but Ste and Brendan's storyline. A very kind Youtuber has uploaded the entire storyline and I can't stop watching! I love the character of Brendan Brady and Emmett Scanlan really does a good job playing him. Despite the comically villainous 'stache he's just such a charismatic character with a bit of darkness to him and that somehow just draws you in. You can see why Ste is hopelessly in love with and can't stop running back to him despite how Brendan used to treat him like crap and was 'as locked away [in the closet] as the crown jewels'.

Unfortunately, the last we saw of them, the 2 were breaking up as Ste's beard, Rae, was pregnant. But even the break up was effing hot like burning.


The two actors have so much chemistry together, I really hope this isn't the end of their relationship.

I have to say, I quite enjoy Britzeee as well, it brings the lulz. 'I like your moustache but you need a beard.'

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